23 January 2025
NOT THE NEWS FOR YOU'S— Big Queer Quiz of the Year
23 January 2025
Fed up with Late Stage Capitalism crashing your party? Tired of news that never quite matches your style? Wanting to scream at the state of the world?
Then strap on in for Not The News for You - Big Queer Quiz of the Year edition. Where queer politics meets left-wing propaganda with a a whole lot of stupid. Join us as we wrap up this year, cry at how awful it was and re-organise for 2025.
Brace yourself for drag artist throwing shade at politicians, activists talking pop culture and the juiciest gay gossip that’s fresher than your morning oat latte (not from Starbucks).
Our fabulous host, (and your local communist drag king) Comrade May, will interview our guest panelists for their off-the-cuff and unfiltered opinions on current affairs. As well as introducing our fabulous new co-anchor, Dragona Budjet, who’ll report on the glamorous dissent of the world whilst looking fabulous and wearing red vinted heels.
But we don't stop at satire -we’ve got live performances from our panelists and mind-blowing acts from our guests. What more could you possibly ask for, comrade?
It’s a Commie-nomenom you won’t want to miss!
And for the record, we’re not the BBC, so expect bias, flamboyance, and a serious lack of objectivity.
Comrade May
Dragona Budjet
Activist Ticket* £5 Limited Availability
Standard Ticket £12.50
Solidarity Ticket £16
True Comrade £20
*ACTIVIST TICKET: This time round we have a discount for you decerning divas. Get your Karen on, as you can get a £5 ticket if you write to your MP. You can write on whatever effects you personally, but we have some sources, templates, suggestions and info via the link below.
notthenews (mmm.page)
Our venue is flat throughout with a slightly uneven concrete floor. There are no steps in our bar. We have an accessible toilet, and all our toilets are gender-neutral.
FOR MORESafer Spaces
We work to ensure everyone feels welcome and safe at The Yard.